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natural hazard

Climatic Change and Its Effect on Society There has been a significant climatic change that has taken place throughout the years on Earth. These changes have effected society in more thanone way. However, there is nothing society can do about the long term influencesof climatic changes. Society has tended to address the short term effects ofclimatic changes that influence the global temperatures within the life span ofpresent generations. The following will show how climatic changes does effectsociety, health, and economics.Society depends a lot on natural resources for various aspects. First ofall, society depends largely on forests to supply trees which in turn supplywood for construction. Other resources include oil and animals (livestock). Inthe focus of wood, there is the Western Canadian Boreal Forest which is a largeproducer of wood for the United States construction industry. However, climaticchanges has had large and impacting effects on the construction industry.Compared to eastern Canada, the southern boreal forest region of western Canadahas a relatively dry climate. Thus, drought effects are one of the majorconcerns being addressed by researchers in this region. climate modellers havepredicted a large increase in temperature for this region, which could lead toeven drier conditions and enormous stresses on vegetation in the westernCanadian boreal forest. This type of impact was observed following the 1988drought it experiences, when there was a die-back of aspen over extensive areasof the aspen parkland in Western Canada. Associated with this drought was adrying up of large lakes in the region. Another potential impact for the regionis a major increase in forest fires. This is due to the fact that fire frequencyis closely linked to moisture levels which are expected to decrease underclimatic change. Thus, it is noticed that with increased climatic change thefuture that this forest has in supplying lumber is decreasing, an...

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