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In truth, the attributes of tourism have changed rapidly during the Today, it is virtually impossible even to avoid theeffect that the tourism industry has on the world. On the followinglines I shall in an explaining voice treat the subject of tourism and Iwager you'll find it rather interesting. First and for most; Why do webecome tourists? What is this incredible force which drives us to leavethe safe shelter of our homes to travel to places some times thousandsof miles from our native lands? Well, in order to answer that, we needto find out the benefits of tourism. It's usually us people from thericher countries in the west that travel abroad as tourists. Thisbecame possible during the early twentieth century, when the industrialrevolution had reached most western countries in a big way, and thegovernments had begun to get more and more democratic. They started tohave governmental foundings with the intention of giving people whoworked in different sectors their wages in sp Although, most Americanswould probably not be so negative about it. The American Dream thatinfluences their society speaks for the strength of the individual.That is, if you really want to be rich, you can be, as long as you'renot afraid of working hard. So, people obviously like being tourists,and the even more obvious reasons for that can be the need forsomething different to occur in ones life, not always being stuck inthe same old tracks, over and over again. Or, that we need to relax,which you apparently can't do at home, only abroad. One classic reasonfor tourism is of course that it is a social benefit; You'll get a lotof attention from people back home both before and after the journey,which indeed can be just as much, if not more of a pleasure then theholiday itself. Tourism, according to the Department of NationalHeritage, apparently outnumbers most any other line of business, fromconstruction industry to raising cattle. Today, it is more or less well...

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