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Sweden’s land gently slopes eastward to the Gulf Of Bothina and The Baltic Sea. The scenery varies from unpopulated treeless Kolen Mountains in the Northwest to the very fertile plains in the southern most part of the country. Thousands of lakes cover about one twelveth of the country’s total land area. Many large groups of Islands line the coast of Sweden. A few of the largest Islands are Gothland, A very fertile island covering 1160 square miles, and Oland, this island is also quite fertile and it covers a area of about 520 square miles. Both of these very large, fertile islands are located in the Baltic Sea. This Mountain Range is part of the Kolen Mountains. Sweden’s Northern boundary with Norway runs through these Mountains, which Norwegians call the Kjolen Mountains. The Swedish lowland has more people than any other part of the country. This region includes the central and southern plains of Sweden. Sweden’s largest lake is lake Varnern is covers a total of 2,156 square miles. EconomySweden is a very industrialized country. It has many jobs for mostly all of their 8,972,000 people. They have a very large work force that keeps the country running. Its economy is based on a combood, advanced engineering and their massive army. It also relies heavily on exports. Ninety percent of Sweden’s industry is privately owned and operated without and governmental interference. Service industries (such as cab services and maid services) make up over two-thirds of Sweden’s jobs and two-thirds of Sweden’s total value of its economic production. Manufacturing industries located along the coast of the country. Steel is widely used in the Engineering industry and accounts for two-fifths of the country’s exports. Although ninety percent of the Swedish industry is privately owned the government exercises substantial control over the economy to moderate economic fluctuations. The...

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