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Natural Gas as an Alternative Energy Resource Natural gas is one of many energy resources being sought out as an alternative to some of the more pollutant geologic resources used abundantly today. Natural gas is being raved about due to how much cleaner it burns than other traditional fossil fuels, and it is becoming one of the more popular forms of energy because of this trait. It is a colorless, odorless fossil fuel, also known as methane. Today’s uses for this resource are heating, cooling, production of electricity, and many uses in industry. It is being combined with other fossil fuels to improve environmental performance and decrease pollution. Overall, natural gas is becoming popular because it is an abundant, alternative energy resource that is environmentally friendly. It can help play a role in addressing some of the environmental issues that are becoming more serious. In addition to it being great for the environment, it is affordable, available and efficient which will make it a far more superior fossil fuel in the future. Natural gas has so many positive aspects and these aspects are all reasons why it should be used as an alternative energy resource. Since it is one of the cleanest burning fossil fuels it will help improve the quality of our air and our water. For example, when natural gas burns the combustion leaves almost no sulfur dioxide emissions in the air and all other emissions are far less than other fossil fuels. The reduction of these toxic emissions will help us reduce two of the main air pollution issues we face today – acid rain and carbon monoxide ozone pollution. There is one area that will make natural gas become a dominant source of energy due to its cleanliness and that is in the field of transportation. If we can make all cars and vehicles natural gas fueled then there will be a huge change in the amount of pollution that gas fueled vehicles put in the air today. For example, ...

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