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Guyana is a country located on the northern coast of South America. It is bounded on the north by theAtlantic Ocean and on the east by Suriname. On the south side Guyana is bordered by Brazil, and on thewest side is Brazil and Venezuela. Guyana achieved its independence on May 26, 1966 when it broke awayfrom Britain.Land and ResourcesGuyana has three different major geographical regions. These consist of a belt of soil whichranges from five to forty miles, a dense forest area which makes up about four-fifths of the country anda region of savanna. The country also has many rivers that have some spectacular waterfalls and one riverhas the highest single-drop waterfall in the world. These rivers are navigable from the sea to about one-hundred miles inland, after that they are no longer navigable due to rapids and falls.Natural ResourcesThe lands of Guyana have many valuable natural resources. Within the lands you can find gold,diamonds, kaolin, manganese and bauxite. If you were to travel a little ways off shore, you could alsolocate some petroleum. These natural resources are very important in helping out the economy of this poorcountry.The lands have much resource also found in the vegetation and the forests. The plants and treesare documented for their abnormal size and density. Guyana has an excellent lumber industry, they sellsome of the finest greenheart as well as mora. Within the forests are a big variety of wildlife which canrange from deer to anteater and a few types of monkeys. The birds are very diverse, they consist of forexample sugarbirds, cotingas and manakins all which feed on Guyana's vast array of insects.Population , Education and CultureGuyana has an estimated 800,000 people or on an average of 3.8 people per square mile. Georgetownis the capital and it holds a few hundred thousand people. Being the capital, it is the main port cityand holds the major educational institution in Guyana. The University of Guyana is t...

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