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The book As Seen on TV by Karal Ann Marling, is a fascinating study into television and its influence it had on America in the 1950s. There are many concepts, which are studied in detail proving the pull and push the TV images had on the entire U.S. culture. At the time, anyone of importance on TV was a sudden person of influence and impression. Mamie Eisenhower, wife of president Ike, with her public notoriety and respect started trends that would last for years. In 1953 at Ikes inauguration, one of the first big TV events of the decade, Mamie showed her classic look. The mink coat, air-wave hat, curled under bangs, dress with snipped in waist and flared hips, pinching high heels, pearl choker, and her charm bracelet would soon be the rave among all women, young and old. This appearance, among others, changed the fashion market and the way people viewed style.The entire fashion persona Mamie develops is genuine. Everything from her comment Of course its mink to her inspiring friends to feel better by buying them a new hat, as if buying or getting a new hat is the cathartic folk remedy. The next chapter titled: Hyphenated Culture: Painting by Numbers in the New Age of Leisure, discusses at length America and its eternal battle with leisure. At the time man had an inherent ancient capitalist folkloric belief that the common worker with time on his hands was a threat to public order. If fact many housewives didnt like or even want automatic dishwashers because the easy work made them feel lazy. Many famous and influential people encouraged and condoned hobby or leisure activities. Times would still be hard to change if it wasnt for the integration of television in all American eyes. Ike, major public icon, is seen loving to paint while watching TV, exhibiting to all viewers that leisure time is not only acceptable but mandatory.By the end of the 50s there were hobby kits for everything, Jon Gnagy, a Saturday morning TV artis...

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