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babettes feast

I believe that everything happens for a reason. Happen, and happen atcertain times for a reason also. The movie, Babettes Feast, helped confirm mybeliefs. This movie started out focused on Martina and Phillipa with their father, thepastor. The movie quickly shows his silent dominance over his two daughters. Hekeeps them under his wings until the day he dies, and then even after that theycontinue to live in his shadow. Everything he preached is believed and followed bythem and members of their community. The father taught them that the only thingwhich we may take with us from our life on earth are those things which we havegiven away. Because of their father, the two devoted their lives to carrying on hispreaching and his kindness towards the other followers. So instead of marrying, they decided to devote their lives to God and to their late father. By doing this theywould take away from earth exactly what they gave while on earth. Theirdedication to their father and the church made them underestimate the power oflove and marriage. Its not like these women did not have chances to marry, or take differentcourses in their lives. Martina was extremely beautiful and caught the eye of everyyoung man, but the sternness of her father, and her own aloofness kept them frompursuing her. A prime example would be, Lorens Loewenhielm, the officer whomet her via his rich older aunt. Martina was very interested in him, but never gavehim any encouragement. Phillipa was blessed with the voice of an angel, whilesinging in church she caught the eye/ear of world renowned French tenor AchillePapin. Not only does he fall in love with her, he wanted to make her into a star inFrance. Yet again, a suitor is rebuffed by the daughters. In both cases thedaughters did not openly reject their suitors, instead they were aloof and acteduninterested. In the case of Phillipa she asked her father to inform Papin that she nolonger wanted to t...

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