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Rain Main

Rain Man, a film about an exceptional person, portrays the life of Raymond Babbot and his struggle to be understood and loved by his brother Charlie Babbot. This academy award-winning drama stars two incredibly talented actors - Tom Cruise (Charlie) and Dustin Hoffman (Raymond). These two brothers, separated at a young age by Raymonds exceptional condition, find themselves later in life brought together by their fathers death. The movie grabs the heart of its audience in an attempt to bring together the life of the exceptional person with that of the normal mainstream life.The Rain Man drama begins with a young man (Charlie) sorting through his acceptance with his fathers death, or shall I say basically waiting to find out exactly what his inheritance may be. The Babbot family never really had a history of togetherness as Charlie and Raymonds mother lost her life at their young age and while Charlie was three Raymond was sent off to WallBrook, a facility meeting the needs of exceptional people. As the inheritance is read to Charlie, he finds himself left with only a Buick convertible and a rose bush, while the rest of his fathers $3.5 million estate was left to a trustee (a director at the WallBrook facilities).Distraught with the idea that someone else has the money that Charlie needs, he heads off to meet with the trustee at WallBrook. Once there, Charlie Babbot finds himself not helped at all and upon leaving meets the genius of Dustin Hoffman (Raymond Babbot), which begins the story of Rain Man.Raymond Babbot is what is known as an autistic-savant, or also referred to as an idiot-savant. This is a problem usually categorized by a problem with communicating, learning, and expression of ones self. Raymond has an extensive routine which he follows daily from the times of television shows he watches, to bed times, to food he eats, to the exact arrangement of his room. Anything interfering with this exact routine makes Raymo...

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