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Amistadthe movie

Being an African American male, I have been told somewhat the story about I mean of course I have been told of the Martin Luther Kings, the MalcolmXs, and the Rosa Parks and the many struggles and life threatening obstacles theywent through for all blacks to become free from opression. Before watching themovie Amistad, I never really knew of the boat rides, the chaining of women andmen together and putting boulders at the end of the ropes and throwing the bouldersover the edge of the boat drowning many. Just because I did not know about thesedifferent situations, I cant and will not blame anyone else. I never really asked or took it upon myself to learn what went on with my own people. After reviewingcertain scenes from the movie Amistad, directed by Steven Spilberg, it made meangry, wondering why they waited so long to make a movie about the real story ofhow they miss treated slaves during the Middle Passage. After I thought about it Iknow what took so long, they(the white people) never really wanted us to know.Amistad was a story about a slave named Cinque, and his fight for freedom ina white world. It showed the abuse that slave took from whitemen for no reason. Many of them were taken from their homes and forced onto a ship below the deckwere they received little food and were chained together. See this action reallyupsets me. They never bothered any Spaniards, but they felt could make money offof them. Sadly I watched beautiful African American women were being drownedbecause they served no purpose to the sailors. The only reason they kept thewomen is for breeding. They also drowned the weak and the sick. They felt thatthey would serve any purpose to the buyers if they were weak. They only bred thestrong to produce strong. Some of the slaves were taken their own lives. A woman,holding her new born child, jump off the side of the boat. She rather die than spendher life in slavery or being killed by the whiteman. ...

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