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There are never ending inquiries on the nature of Napoleon's power. But reason can prove to one that the Age of Napoleon was in fact a time of democratic rule. Through political, social, and economical reforms, Napoleon Bonaparte did not only transcend France, but he changed the course of history for Europe and the World today, in a positive way.To begin, Napoleon helped France and Europe thorough many political reforms. He created a new constitution. It consisted of three consuls. Napoleon worked really hard to put France back together after the revolution. He allowed all types of political refugees back into France, and also appointed both radical republicans and royalist aristocrats to his government. “A major obstacle to internal peace was the steady hostility of French Catholics” (Kagan, Ozment, Turner 688). His most peerless act was to allow the Catholic Church back into to France through the concordat with Pope Pius VII. While in rule, he also created The Napoleonic Code. It was a complete revamp of the French law. It was based on two ideas: that all men are equal under the law and all people have a right to property. The code stamped out all privileges from the law including tax laws. The code spelled out various contractual laws to ensure the inviolability of private property. Many people think that what Napoleon was doing was wrong, yet they voted him Napoleon I, Emperor of France in 1804. Napoleon also in all he did abolished feudalism, which was part of the Code. Many countries used a similar code within their own governments. Next, Napoleon helped show the Age of Napoleon as being positive through many economic reforms. To begin, Napoleon reformed the tax structure. The new format exempted no person or persons from paying their taxes because of birth or privilege. Amazingly, people willingly, began to pay their taxes. Napoleon also authorized a central banking system. Because of the new reforms,...

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