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sexual harassment

How do you determine what sexual harassment is, and when your sexually harassed? Three writers; Katie Marton, Fredric Hayward, and Phyllis Doloff, have different ideas on what sexual harassment is. All the writers wrote essays on their experiences with sexual harassment and what it means to them.First what constitutes sexual harassment? According to Marton, she believes that sexual harassment is just simply trying to seduce a woman. She explains an incident where she was led to a hotel room on her own free will and talked all night with a male executive. She claims she was afraid that he had other objectives on his mind, but nothing happened except talking. Therefore she claims she was harassed because he had intent to do something other than talk, but she had no proof of this because he did not try anything. Doloff on the other hand has a better idea of what sexual harassment is. She explains an encounter where her boss pinches her butt not once but twice. There you can clearly see that she is indeed being harassed unlike Marton who could be just blowing things out of proportion. Also Hayward presents a good observation that if a man stares at a woman too long or in a weird way that the woman does not like, they can call it sexual harassment and could be sued. So still to this day there is no distinct definition to the words sexual harassment.When do you know you’re sexually harassed? According to Marton her so called sexual harassment happened many years ago and so did Doloff’s. Why do women after so many years now claim they were sexually harassed? Is it that they see many other women claiming they are being harassed so they come out and say they were harassed too? They see what the women of today call sexual harassment and they look back on their lives and say, oh well we were sexually harassed then too. Nowadays it’s so ridiculous on the little things that women sue for just because then know they ...

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