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Great Gatsby4

Two prevalent themes portrayed in The Great Gatsby are money and social status, both which coincide with the novel’s four settings: East Egg, West Egg, the Valley of Ashes, and New York. As Natania stated, these differentlocations are used to “show the absurdities of modern life,” as well as todictate social class from the upper royal status of the East Egg community tothe common folk of New York. Fitzgerald uses these settings and theactions of characters within them to define and set boundaries betweenfinancial and social status of the roaring 20’s. An example of Fitzgerald’s technique lies in the comparison of MyrtleWilson’s party in her New York apartment to one of Gatsby’s many summerparties in his West Egg mansion. Through descriptions of guests comingand going frequently, and the obnoxious drinking and wild conversationgoing on at the New York and West Egg parties, the reader can concludethat neither of these locations are above the social standing of an upper classparty of East Egg, such as one at Tom and Daisy Buchanan’s without theslight insanity of their dysfunctional family. However, the differencesbetween Myrtle and Gatsby’s parties are great and relevant to Fitzgerald’stheme.For example, the physical description of guests attending the party inNew York gives knowledge to the reader of their lower class standing. Myrtle’s sister arrives with a “sticky bob of red hair” and wild, unnaturaleyebrows and makeup, and Mr. McKee with lather showing on hischeekbone. His wife is described as “shrill, languid, handsome, andhorrible,” quite the opposite of guests attending Gatsby’s party, and even thehost himself. Fitzgerald describes Gatsby as a very clean cut, proudpostured, gentlemanly looking man with hair which looks like it “weretrimmed every day,” just as a stereotypical member of the social upper classshould appe...

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