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You Are What You Own

Its funny in life how things and people can often become one. For example, oftentimes pets resemble their owners. Maybe in personality, or a certain physicalfeature. Throughout the book, The Grapes of Wrath, there are chapters that playon one another. For this assignment I picked chapters six and nine because Ibelieve they resemble each other in quite remarkable ways.Chapter six and nine both bring up possessions and the importance andrelevance they have in your life.Chapter six talks about how Muley cant leave the land because its part ofhim, even Casy says, Fella gets use to a place, its hard to go. p.69 Casy alsosays..... Muleys got a holt of somepin, an its too big for him, an its too big forme. p.66 Whats most important or most relevant is when Muley gets so workedup, (Them sons-a-bitches, and goes on about how is pa come here fifty yearsago. An I aint a-goin.) p.63-64 He even goes on about how the land is no goodon p. 64. Muley talks about wandering like a graveyard ghost. I been goinaroun the places over by our forty: in a gully theys a bush. Fust time I ever laid agirl. p.69 How his father got killed by a bull and the bloods still there. Hiswhole life is a part of that earth. His blood, humanities, sweat, and tears. Its allthere. Itll always be there. No matter how the sun beats on the cruel cold earth. No matter how man or technology tears her up. Itll always be there.Chapter nine expresses similar ideas, except they talk about possessions notof earth but material things. In the little houses the tenant people sifted their belongings and thebelongings of their fathers and of their grandfathers. How can you leave a placeyou breathed all your life? How can you gather your beloved materials and sellthem to someone who has no value for them? In the story they (I believe thatthey is Al and Ton or some other members of the Joad family) talk about certainmemories. For example on page 117, they say, That plow, th...

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