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Transcendentalism Writing

Transcendentalism Writing: To me transcendentalism is a mindset and way of life. The people who are trying to find more meaning to life. They believe that a piece of god is in everything, man and nature. In their writings they try to spread their ideas and way of life with all that is around them. I believe that do not look down upon people who do not fallow their way of life I just think they try to spread their point across and who ever likes it can adapt it to their own lives. They live like this not by following the ordinary popular cord. They go off of intuition, a gut feeling. By doing this they get more out of life. Transcendentalist today are the trend setters and leaders not caring what others think about them just about how to get more out of life. Although both essays are not on the exact same subject the authors were trying to get the same basic idea across. The ideas of transcendentalism: self-reliance, being misunderstood, and not to be a follower. In both essays the authors were trying to tell you that you should accept your place in society and just be happy. Everyone on this earth is the same; they have the same beating heart as the person in the class above or below them. In the first essay the author talked about being misunderstood and that you can contradict your self because all great and famous philosophers did. But if they believe in contradiction then the day after they wrote their essays they could just turn around and say the exact opposite thing and that it is ok. To me that is hard to absorb because how can you believe something one day and the next believe something completely opposite? In the second essay we read I like the authors writing technic of repetitiveness it made the reader aware of what the author was talking about. He was saying that farmers go through a cycle, that they just keep passing on the farm from one generation to the next and he disclose this message in how he wrote...

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