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Scarlet Letter6

In modern times battles are fought everyday, but in the end, it is only the outcome of the wars that count. Sometimes the good guys win and sometimes the bad guys win, but in literature, it is different. “In literature, Evil wins the battles, but Good wins the wars.” says Henry Gaedon. This is particularly evident in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter where Good is portrayed by Hester Prynne and Evil by Roger Chillingworth. Hester’s painful losses in battle were overshadowed only by the relief and satisfaction of being victorious in the long fought-out war. The Characterization in the first few chapters easily depicts Hester as the persecuted heroine by the description in which she walks to face the crowd of rambunctious Puritans. She holds her head up high, and Hawthorne also emphasizes the way in which such as disgraceful symbol as a scarlet “A” was so beautifully and eloquently sewn upon her breast. Chillingworth on the other hand is quickly picked out as the antagonist by the deformities in his physical appearance and cold “raspy” voice. This contrasting characterization right away sets the tone for the ensuing mental battles against each other, and against themselves. The first battle occurs in the jail cell where Hester nurses Pearl, and Chillingworth comes as a doctor to sooth the crying baby. Although it might seem insignificant, Hester swearing to keep the “leech’s” secret actually laid the foundation for this entire story. It was also so the source of an emotional ulcer which burns at the heroine for the following years. Evil also triumphs when Dimmesdale and Chillingworth confront. The young pastor my not be the purest symbol of God, but is likewise far better than “Satan’s emissary”. The “leech” doctor, as the town describes him, knows of Dimmesdale’s heart condition and takes advantage by using his skills as a lever...

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