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Language is thought of by many people to be a spoken form of communication. Although that is a reasonable definition or explanation, Language is actually any form of communication. It affects all of life in many ways and has been the building block for society since the beginning of mankind. Without language, life cannot go on. Without being able to understand your environment’s aspects, approaches, teachings, or rules in life, you cannot be a part of society. Without society, life does not exist; especially when you are particularly talking about humans.Language is such a big part of life that it subconsciously affects our thinking as individuals and also as a society. When you study habits of a certain cultures or areas in the world, you get excellent examples at how language impacts people.From households to neighborhoods, towns, countries, and continents, people learn to develop distinct, everyday habits because of the communication or language portrayed to them from that particular environment. Through language, an American was taught to live in a world of democracy when a Chinese person was taught to live in a world of communism. Language has also made a New Yorker talk with a totally different accent then a Texan talks with. Language has even taught a kid from one household to behave in a particular way totally opposite from the ways of his friend who obviously lives in another household. So as you can see, the language in which you are taught totally depends on the type of environment you are around. There are so many ways you can relate language to life and the book Language in Thought and Action breaks a tremendous amount of these perspectives for you.One thing the book talked about that I found quite interesting is taking a look at the way we classify people and objects. One example of classifying things is by giving objects names. The book says, “ what we call things and where we draw the line between one class...

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