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Human Rights

Human Rights should ensure that an individual is guaranteed certain rights and freedoms. Among the most important are civil and political rights, freedom of speech and assembly, and the order to provide safety and equality to every individual. A major development towards Human Rights took place by the United Rights took place by the United Nations in 1948. A thirty page outline was adapted to declare a Universal Declaration on Human Rights. Injustices and violations occur everywhere but not as severe in Western civilizations. Third World Countries like India and in Asian cultures such as China believe in abiding by much stricter rules and regulations.The Problems and violations occurred early on in both of the regions, but still exist and effect many people's lives. In India the untouchables evolved from the caste system developed by an early Aryan custom. Such activities as talking and looking at other classes, drinking out of certain wells or even visiting some temples were forbidden. It now exists in rural parts of India including Bihar and in Southern Tamil Nadu, shunning about 160 million people in rank. The deaths and torture which have occurred in Tibet as a result of the Chinese invasion is staggering too. It started in 1949 and up to date has killed over 1.2 million Tibetans. After the mass invasion, Tibet represented a prison camp or labor camp for most people.Society, government, and religion are examples of reasons that started racism and bias opinions against others. For example religion was instrumental in forming the caste system that led to the untouchables. No one dared to associate with anyone lower than themselves or they would in fact degrade or have to get purified. In Tibet, China's government claimed that they wanted to reform and introduce a new political system to them. Before the over take, under the rule of the 14th Balai Lama, Tibet was under feudal serfdom including it's land and owning slave...

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