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Huck Finn8217s Experiences

Huck Finn’s Experiences In Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain presents the problem of slavery in America in the 19th Century. Twain poses this problem in the form of a character named Huckleberry Finn, a white boy raised in the antebellum South. Huck starts to question his view regarding slavery when he acquaints himself more intimately with a runaway slave while he himself tries to run away. Huck’s development as a character is affected by society’s influence on his experiences while growing up in the South, running away with Jim, and trying to save Jim. Although Huck decides to free Jim, Huck’s deformed conscience convinces him that he is doing the wrong thing. Huck’s experiences in the society impact his conscience by raising him to believe that human beings can be property. This quote by Pap Finn is taken from a conversation that he is having about a black professor from the North, “…prowling, thieving, infernal, white-shirted free nigger, and-” (Twain, pg 27). In this quote, Pap Finn expresses his feelings towards black people, and he is not the only person to think this way. Pap feels as if the most accomplished black man is always beneath the basest white man. When Huck returns to Aunt Sally, they have this conversation: Aunt Sally: “Good Gracious! anybody hurt?”Huck: “No’m. Killed a nigger”Aunt Sally: “Well, it’s lucky; because sometimes people do get hurt…”(Twain, pg 221)Southern society seems to share this idea of how white people belittle blacks. Aunt Sally shows how it does not really matter about a ‘nigger’ being shot and how she does not consider that a person getting hurt. Society’s influence on Huck is clearly evident when he says, “They took my nigger, which is the only nigger I’ve got in the world, and now I’m in a strange country, and aint not no...

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