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8220To Infinity and Beyond8221

TenNineEightThreeTwoOneThose were the longest ten seconds of my life. Todays the sixteenth of July 1969, 8:32AM and Apollo 11 has taken off under clear skies from Cape Kennedy Florida, destination, the moon. Our lives are at the hands of thousands of scientists and many years of research. Piloted by a three-man crew, lead by me, Neil Armstrong.Im not mad, I just have a dream, a dream since I was two, when my father took me to the National Air Races. From that day I ate, slept, and dreamt of flying. At age fifteen, I began my flying lessons. While other boys my age were learning to drive, I was learning to fly. I even achieved my pilots license before my drivers. Some people feel happy on the ground, but I was just the opposite of that. My happy place was flying, in the sky, with my Aeronca Champions Airplane. In 1949 I would be called to the navy, and I wouldnt have had it any other way. Through the navy I began studying aeronautical engineering and graduated from Purduc University where I received my bachelors in aeronautical engineering. I felt as if something was missing from my life. In 1962 I was one of the nine astronauts to be accepted by NASA to be part of President Kennedys plan to land an American on the moon. This, this is what I wanted to do, no doubt ever, since I was two this is what God had put me on this earth to do, and there wasnt a doubt in my mind I wasnt going to came through.So here I am, Commander of Apollo 11 with my two co-pilots Edwin E. Aldwin, Jr. Lunar Module Pilot, be we just call him buzz, and Michael Collins Command Module Pilot. Its 11:49PM and the first critical maneuver mast be made. The Eagle is separating from Columbia and we have to dock the space craft head to head. Right now many things are going through my mind, yet my body is focusing on what Im supposed to do and Im pushing all the right buttons. The docking is successful and we are onto the 3rd stage as we continue on a stra...

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