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gov involvement in transposrtation

Subject: government involvement in transportation I have found in my experience working with The Pennsylvania Department Of Transportation (PennDOT) that the government needs to be involved in the construction of roads. PennDOT ensures that the roads are built and maintained to a certain quality. Imagine tying to coordinate a 50 to 75 jobs a year throughout a five county area using millions or billions of dollars. They find the lowest bidders and make certain the work is done to specification. I believe that the government does the best job possible at this type and size of work. I think that if all of the money were put into private hands we would not receive the same results. A lot of people would probably tell you different if you surveyed them while they were sitting in traffic. It has only been after working with PennDOT that I can appreciate what they do for the state and local roads. Sure I know they make mistakes a lot but who is mistake free, I sure am not....

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