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Civil Engineering1

The need for Civil Engineers is rapidly growing from day to day. Civil Engineers are vital to the advancement of society. Civil Engineering is the combination of common knowledge and practical planning to the layout of the cities, towns, and communities being developed today. Civil Engineers are involved in the designing and building of the new structures surrounding us, as well as keeping them maintained. Also, Civil Engineers are responsible for finding efficient methods for updating city, town, and community structures. Civil Engineers are a necessity in the advancement of structures, businesses, cities, towns, and communities that are used daily.Although Civil Engineers are among the lowest paid in the field of Engineering, their salary may reach $117,000 per year. Entry-level salaries, however, are among the highest of all Engineers. Entry-level Civil Engineers with a bachelors degree start with a salary near or above $33,000 a year. Those who have completed a masters degree generally earn about $35,000 a year, while students who have obtained a doctorate degree have a starting salary of about $47,000 annually. Civil Engineers who are employed by the government usually make more that those employed by private businesses. The average salary for a mid-level Civil Engineer is $46,000 (employed by a private company) and $61,000 (employed by the government). The top-level Civil Engineers owners and top government employers -- may earn up to $117,000 a year. Every salary differs due to years of experience and time put into degrees.The salaries earned by a Civil Engineer are backed by many years of education. All Civil Engineers mush receive a high school diploma or achieve an equivalent diploma. Students with an interest in becoming a Civil Engineer should focus on mathematics, sciences, computer science, English, and humanities. Interested students should also participate in many honors-level courses.Once completing t...

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