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Alternate energy sources

The reason why I chose to do a project on windmills is because I would always drive out to Palm Springs and I would see these huge things that looked like something out of a When I got closer to them I realized what they were. They were windmills.Once I knew what they were I wanted to know what they did, my mom told me that theyprovide energy. Windmills are made of parts such as the rooter electric generator, speedcontrol system and the tower. When there is a large group of windmills, they are calledwind farms. Wind farms are located in deserts. Because wind mill farms are usually in thedesert the energy has a long way to travel to get to a town. Some advantages to the windmillis that its a renewable source of energy and its very cheap, the energy that comes willnever run out because the sun gives off convection currents which the energy fromwindmills will never run out.Another great thing about the wind mill is it needs very low maintenance. Somecons to the wind mill is that they are not as people would like. Because the wind has norules you cant always depend on it. You cant save up wind mills for when there is anenergy crisis like right now. People complain that windmills are too noisy, but since notthat many people live very close to them its not that big of an issue. A very bad problemwith windmills and a sad one is that the blades of the windmills kill lots of migrating birds.In the olden days they used to use windmills for energy to grind grain. In factoriesthey would use windmills to saw wood. During the 1800s in America people would use themills to pump water.Wind power is the fastest growing form of energy. California has some of the biggest windfarms in the country. Example: Palm Springs. Wind power is only 3.9-5 cents per kilowatthours. The price of wind energy is expected to go down even further as new technologiescome out. With wind energy being the fastest growing form of electricity and the safestmany people believe ...

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