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my personal philosophy of education

My Personal Philosophy of Education My philosophy of education are the types that are known as progressivism and existentialism. I believe that forme a combination of the two is a perfect way to teach.Progressivism is ideal because the teacher gives the studenta say in what they can do within the classroom. It is a handson system of working. I believe that students can learn verywell if they do activities themselves. Learning about how todo something and actually getting to do it are two extremelydifferent things. Existentialism is also ideal because thismethod of teaching allows children to confront his or herfreedom. Children need a sense of freedom in makingdecisions about school work. I believe that if progressivismand extentialism are combined children can carry out handson tasks while at the same time making an independentunderstanding of a particular concept.If a child learns hands on how to do something they willfind it quite meaningful, and will be able to relate it more toeveryday life. School work can become meaningful if a childindependently understands what is being taught. Then,children will look forward to leaning and will be morecomfortable learning from their teacher. I am looking forward to becoming a teacher. As ateacher of elementary students I will always hold highexpectations of my students. I hope to find that children loveto learn and also look forward to learning. However, I dounderstand that some students are not willing to this. I willfind this a challenge for me which I ma capable of handling I hope to always have students involved in what is beingtaught. I will do this by having hands on activities as well asindependent activities. I will use fun methods and ideas toget children involved in the lesson. If a child is having funthis will enable the student to get a better understanding of aparticular lesson. All in all, I want my students to have anunderstanding of the lesson while at the same time havingfu...

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