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leadership mid term

The most important thing in a group is to get the job done. Many things can help or hinder the groups overall productivity. There are three things all groups must be conscious of, group development, group think and leadership teams. All these areas determine weather a group will sink or swim, while completing the task.The first and most important is group development.Group development is something that every group must go through. It is easily explained by using Cog’s Ladder of group development, five stages of group development: Polite, why were here, bid for power, constructive, and Esprit. These stages outline the path that all groups go through to form their identity. The way your group develops can often determine your actions and your comparative status amongst the other group members. (notes)The first stage is POLITE this happens when you are first placed into a group, everyone is trying to avoid conflict. All people in this stage just want to be liked and feel accepted in the group. The next stage is WHY WERE HERE when the group actually takes a look at the task in front of them. People a generally nice to each other -- a time of exploration. Third is the BID FOR POWER Cliques battle individuals in the attempt to impose their ideas on the rest of the group. This is a time of much confusion amongst group members as they try to find out who is the best person to take orders from. The next stage is the CONSTRUCTIVE stage. In this stage there is a huge attitude change and people begin to give up their need for power and start concentrating on their goal. At this point there are many offered solutions by all group members. The last stage is Esprit here there is a lot of high moral and group loyalty. In this stage the group is tight, they have over looked personal differences, completely focusing on the task. An outsider at this point has the potential of destroying the well developed group. (notes) When forming a group it is ...

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