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Social Reproduction and Cutural Capital

Teachers are committed to challenging all students to succeed, whatever their abilities, interests, social and cultural background, gender, prior attainment or aspirations. As future teachers, we need toknow the aspects of society, so that we can ensure that each one of our students is successful andachieves his or her potential through the education provided. In this paper, I will be using the articlesfrom the Social Class/Race and School Finance section of the class to evaluate the effects of socialstratification, cultural capital, and social reproduction, school financing, and school environment. Social stratification lies at the core of society and of the discipline of sociology. Socialinequality is a fundamental aspect of virtually all social processes, and a person's position in thestratification system is the most consistent predictor of his or her behavior, attitudes, and life chances.Social stratification links almost all aspects of society together, and therefore understanding what ishappening to social stratification helps us understand a wide range of other changes in society. In the article “Social Class Differences In Family-School Relationships: The Importance ofCultural Capital” by Annette Laureau, summarizes a study of family-school relations and cultural capital. The results(of the study) suggest that social class position and class culture becomes a form of culturalcapital in the school setting(Laureau, 1987). The families of working class lacked money, time,individual educational attainment, value of education, and high expectation on their children where as themiddle-class families had all the advantages to support their children’s achievement at school. Lareaushows the effortful evidence that parents with resources will be able help their children attain muchhigher aspiration.This research uses the concepts of social and cultural capital to student behavior. Social capitalmay take ...

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