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Psychology of Altruism and Morality

Psychology of Altruism and Morality The two competing theoretical frameworks that attempt to explain the development of morality are cognitive-behavioral and cognitive-developmental. The cognitive-behavioralapproach is taken by Liebert, and the cognitive-developmental approach is taken by Kohlberg. Both sides have strong arguments that support their own theories and try to tear apart theopposing theory.The cognitive-developmental approach has been studied extensively by LawrenceKohlberg. Through his studies using moral dilemmas, Kohlberg developed his six stages ofmoral development. In these stages, Kohlberg concentrates on the reasons why people act theway they do; not the way they think about their actions or what action they take, but thereasoning behind their actions.The six stages that Kohlberg defines are grouped into three levels, with two levels at eachstage. They are grouped as follows: Level 1 - Preconventional / Pre Moral*Stage 1: Punishment & Obedience - Actions that are punished are wrong.*Stage 2: Instrumental Relativist Orientation - focus is on the self. How will my actions reward me? Level 2 - Conventional*Stage 3: People at stage three begin to value the respect of the opinion and values of other.*Stage 4: Law and Order - Appreciation for rules, laws, and regulations of society. Level 3 - Post Conventional*Stage 5: Social Contrast Legalistic Orientation*Stage 6: Universal Ethical PrincipleThese stages are important to Kohlbergs four most general beliefs. One of Kohlbergsfirst assertions is that people advance through these stages in an invariant sequence. Advancement through these stages occurs in order from 1 - 6, with no stages skipped, and thereis no regression. Kohlbergs second assertion is that people cannot comprehend reasoning morethan one stage ahead of their current stage. Kohlberg also believes that people are attracted tohigher stage reasoning because it is more adequate,...

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