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It is a shame what our school has become. When I was young I never had a fear of school. I was never afraid of my classmates and to be honest, I loved school. I know things were different when I was in elementary but can things change that much over six years? I see kids in the elementary fight all the time with other students and I see first graders uptown smoking. I am honestly amazed. How can a school system deteriorate so fast? Is it the caliber of the students that we have? It seems that children today have a broader knowledge of things than I did back then. Some third graders know more words of profanity than I did as a freshman. First graders getting suspended! This is outrageous. Is not school supposed to be a place where the kids feel safe to learn and play. hat can be done? Stricter rules, new faculty, new administration? Is that the real problem? I think not. The rules are basically the same, there are good teachers here and the administration is the same. I think the problem begins with the teachers. If the teacher feels secure in his/her job and know the administration will back their action, then he/she will be more likely to enforce the rules. It seems that the problem children get away with a lot. Is it the teacher does not want to go through the trouble of filling out paperwork, or could it be that they are tired of fighting with angry parents and not getting support from their supervisors. This, in turn, hurts the children who want to try and learn. The teacher is too busy disciplining the problem and it is taking away from the learning process. Another thing is that the parents do not seem to care what happened. All you hear is My son/daughter would never do that.. They make derogatory remarks about the teacher and nothing is ever done. In reality, the teachers are probably with the child more than the parents are. In turn, the students see that if they get in trouble all they hav...

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