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Most Important Thing That Has Happened To Me

I was just graduating from high school and had no idea of what to do next. My life had been all planned out for me until that point because I simply followed the structure of a developing child in the Catholic educational system. Everything had been mapped out and now it was up to me to search and find the path that I wanted to follow. I was confused and had no idea of the direction that I wanted to take. I decided to go where most everyone I know goes after graduation, Ventura College.I thought to myself that I could handle college for it was just an extension of the learning process I was already accustomed to. I went in thinking that I could handle six classes because that was how many I took in high school. I soon realized, toward the end of the semester, that I was terribly mistaken. I was deeper than I thought I could handle. I started facing the game that every student ultimately faces, the “catch-up” game.I was not going to class and actually missed two weeks at one time. That is just not accepted in this forum of education. I was not reading the material in the books that I was instructed to read and my grades on the tests just put that point in bold print. I felt that it was hopeless and that I had thrown away an opportunity that was handed to me to further educate and improve myself. I started to read and study because I finally realized that I could fail. I felt that I would let so many people down if I did not succeed. I talked to the professors and they agreed to work with me and help me to improve. I focused and worked hard, never giving up until I reached perfection. I ended that semester with a 3.75 grade point average and now am better prepared in life.I know now that in order to succeed, you cannot just slip through and squirm your way around. Instead, you need to work hard and try. Anyone that puts their heart into something will feel an immeasurable feeling of happiness even if the out...

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