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Education Reform

The educational system of New York City is in a state of turmoil at this point. There are a number of teachers, many students are failing and most parents have lost faith in our unqualified educational system. This brings us to the question of who is responsible for the problems and how can we rectify our educational system through the use ofschool reform. According to Webster’s Dictionary , the definition of the word school is a place for teaching and learning(218). There are a group of persons devoted to similar principles.In other words, a school is where someone goes to learn and be taught. The schools start to break down and fail when children are not learning and teachers are not relaying the proper information. There are basically three types of institutions a child can attend, They include public, private or catholic and charter. A public school is a school that is open toall city children without the cost of expense i.e tuition fees. A child has to attend the the school that the district mandates. This is the traditional form of education for a large majority of children. There are many noticeable problems with the public school system.There is overcrowding in the classrooms where there are often thirty to forty childrenin one room. This makes the ability to learn and to concentrate very difficult. Each child does not always get individual attention when necessary. The school buildings are oftenrun-down and in an advanced state of deterioration. The paint is coming off the walls, the floors have cracks, and sometimes there is evidence of lead and asbestos contaminants within the buildings. The supplies that the children receive are not all in good condition. Their textbooks are very old with torn and missing pages. I recall that when I was in school during my elementary and secondary years my textbooks were mostly in bad condition. The books were barely held together by tape.There were many pages missing an...

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