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FA Hayek The Road to Serfdom

What impressed me most about the doctrine put forth by F.A. Hayek in The Road to Serfdom was how subtle and well reasoned yet logical and clear, philosophical yet concrete and realistic his theories are. It is little wonder way this book has had a great influence on so many. One must wonder how profound a writing this was when it first appeared, never mind the influence today. However, the message Hayek argues is taken granted for today and may not be as persuasive to today as when he first put forth his ideas. The struggles of WWII and the dramatic change after its conclusion that Hayek uses to illustrate his thesis are lost to many today. But we are faced with different problems that many still believe are best solved by ‘central planning’, ‘production for use’, and a need for ‘conscious direction’ of resources. Instead of direct tyranny, the problems are urban and environmental crisis that are said to be the result of selfish businessmen and corporations who disregard any social responsibility for profit. The desire for profit has led these same rapacious individuals to create the social crisis by promoting false values and immoral vices. Of course this has resulted in the welfare and poverty crisis and how can it be possible to have ‘poverty in the midst of plenty.’ The only way to solve this crisis, to get selfish individuals to except some social responsibility requires an expanded, collective government. Fortunately, today any promotion of collectivism is paralleled with a promotion of individualism. The experience with big collective government will only result in strengthens the protest against any rise in the establishment, and aid in the promotion for freedom. It is clear that government ought first and foremost protect the right to freedom and secondly promote the virtues of society. However, this is under constant attack by many who despite the miserab...

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