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clean well light place

A Clean Well Lighted Place Earnest Hemmingway Analysis The conversation starts out with the narrator setting up the story and the scene, as most do. An indication is made about the setting in the caf with the leaves giving a shadow and hence telling us that the story was taking place on a patio or street of the caf. An old man that was deaf and seems to be on hard times, which he was, especially after finding out that he had recently tried to commit suicide. One of the waiters whos table the old man was sitting at began to get impatient with him just sitting there taking up his time, that he felt was better suited for sleep since three-o-clock in the morning was too late for bedtime. This was one indicator of the waiters age, his impatience was most likely derived from his youthfulness and preoccupation with a young family at home. Several statements made by the younger waiter like, Youll be drunk and You should have killed yourself last week, began to encourage the older waiter to take up for the old man and let his true feelings out instead of being passive and courteous as he had been in previous conversation. As the ensuing conversation takes place between the waiters we begin to realize each ones priorities and what relationship that the old man plays in their lives. The older waiter began to recognize himself in the old man, not mentioning anything about a family of his own at home. Another reason the older waiter sympathized with him was the fact of his own age and could see why the old man did the things that he did. Loneliness seemed to be a common factor for both of the older men. When the younger waiter had left and the bartender came into play, it reminded me of the same scenario that had just played out between the younger waiter and the old man. This time it was the bartender somewhat being the young waiter and the older waiter being the old man. When he said the Lords Prayer replacing words with nada he was giving the i...

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