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“A company is only as good as the employees who work for It.” Seems to be the slogan driving most employers in today’s marketplace. Your employees are a direct reflection ofyour company and in many industries, may actually be considered the product. Finding theright employee can be one of the most crucial and difficult decisions a business can face.Businesses must be prepared for this process and understand the steps involved in hiring anew employee. When an employer makes the decision to hire a new employee, they mustfirst decide what advantages this employee will offer the company. The employee may beconsidered a producer, who would benefit the company by producing, creating, selling orsupporting the product. This employee would be responsible for direct profits for thecompany. He or she may also belong to the coordinator category of employees. Theseemployees are responsible for the productivity of producers by coordinating their taskswith those of other producers to gain the most cost effective solution. It must bedetermined if the efforts of a coordinator would benefit the producers in a specificcompany. A new employee may also offer your company the assistant qualities needed tofree up the time of a higher paid employee. An assistant can be very valuable to yourcompany by helping your executives become more efficient. Once the potential gains of anew employee are determined, the costs associated with this new staff member must bereviewed. The expenses of anew employee include salary, taxes, hiring costs, supervision,training and equipment. The employee’s salary, wages and incentives must be taken intoconsideration. In addition, the company must pay taxes, administration and accountingfees for this person. The decision maker should take into consideration the hiring costsassociated with the employee, including recruiting, advertising, interviewing and selectinga new employee. The cost of supervision of the ...

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