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Kent Kite Club

“YES, HERE IN TUNBRIDGE WELLS we’ve got it all, the infamous Mineral Spa – often frequented by royalty, a theatre and the world-renowned Pantiles, an elegant shopping area, laid out way back in 1638. Plus many organisations and charities including the English Basket-weavers’ Association, Welsh Bagpipe Players Worldwide, and of course, the Kent Kite Club. Please see me after the tour if you would like a free guide to local clubs and events.”The tour guide gave a sickly, toothy grin, then led the rest of the hot and tired tourists off to another ‘interesting’ part of the city. Mr. Mohandas Rashid, a tall dark Indian with a furry moustache, took a long breath as his eyes scanned the area for a snack bar, no such luck. He glanced at his watch. Damn! It was five to six! He had five minutes to get from the town centre to Derricks’ house, carrying his heavy suitcase, packed full with clothes and memories of times gone by. The journey was going to take at least twenty minutes! Derrick and Mohandas had been close friends since pre-school, and they’d been neighbours on an estate in Hemel Hempstead, but they hadn’t seen each other since University. Mr. Rashid paused as he thought over the contents of the case, and wondered what it would be like to see his old chum; would they still have the same things in common? Would Derrick not like his suit? It would be all right, even if they didn’t get on; it was only going to be for a few days. Mohandas wondered whether he should have brought his old kite, Derrick might think it was a bit childish, then again Derrick said on the phone to bring it, but Mohandas thought he might have been joking… “Stop worrying!” Mohandas told himself, as he reached for the suitcase and headed for ‘Redneck Drive’.After an exhausting trek through the dirty streets of the sub-orderly town, Mohandas came across a brand new sign with...

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