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My partner was Mohammed amine Khaldi. Our encounter took place in a common room in school. We choose there because it was nice and quite , that way we could talk and better understand each other without distraction. During the conversation we had, we completed the entire exercise easily. We didnt skip any questions; even thought, sometimes we were very surprise by certain questions. at times we felt uncomfortable to describe each other how we were feeling every five minutes. But we did because we knew there was a reason for the questions to be there and we knew it was part of an exercise. When we first began I wasnt really nervous. But it kinda seem to me that my partner was. I knew it would be a fun exercise because I was going to get the chance of learning more about someone else. We tried to make this exercise fun and interesting as possible by asking questions , and not just asking them but getting deeper into them.We tried to find out as much as possible of each other by doing this exercise. I got to learn more about Mohammed while he was in the middle of the self disclosure process. we made the conversation very interesting by disclosing the self, revealing unknown information. The person revealing new information has total control over the level of exitment in the conversation. Another point is the listener has the ability to give the accurate feedback to the person revealing unknown informantion. I encountered some anxiety when I had to answer broad questions such as , the thing I like best about you is may be telling this to someone else wouldve been a little more comfortable , but when it comes to telling someone you dont know it feels a little weird. also the thing about this questions is it was very hard to answer those questions in such a short period of time. The problem in this kind of situation is that you have ...

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