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Time Management is a resource that is very valuable to virtually everyone. It is a difficult task to figure out how to manage your time and avoid distractions. What things can you do to better manage your time? What task should you take on first and what other tools help you to better manage your time?Time management is an essential management tool to have in order to be able to make it in today’s world. Managing your time is something one must be able to do in order to have a job, to organize things with your family or household, and to even plan leisure time. Often times people wish for more time in a day to accomplish things they set out to accomplish. The truth however, is that these people could use their time better and accomplish their goals if they would simply reprioritize the time they have got (Gitomer, 2001). Something’s you can always tell about someone who has bad time management are, last minute rushes to meet dead-lines, meeting which accomplish nothing, days that seem to be non-productive, and many things which seem to come about unexpected causing a crisis for them (Blair, 2001). Poor time management can cause problems in your work and/or your household, thus causing poor work. If you are unable to manage your time efficiently, you will often times find yourself rushing to get things done and thing look back realizing that your work in very sloppy. That is because poor time management can cause poor, rushed, and sloppy work. Good time management however can help you achieve your goals and possibly achieve them quicker. You can save time by not trying to take on everything at once (learning to say no) and by asking for help when help is needed (25 Ways, 2001). Being able to say no is very important in time management because it helps you to focus one the task in front of you and not have too many task that you become distracted by the other tasks. It is important to decide what you can acco...

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