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None Provided18

Asia-Pacific and Japan an increase of 56%. As fiscal year ended the company had $6.9 billion in cash and investment, which were more than double than pervious year, Company also had $3.9 billion in cash flow from operation and the account receivable time was also decreased to 2 days from 34 days in 1999.The companys sales from its website exceed $35 million a day in early 2000, which was $20 million more than 1999. Over the same period, profit was up from $140 million to $1.67 billion a 64.1% compound average growth rate (P.P.C-133). By the end of year 2000, the companys sales from the Internet were $40 million a day, accounted almost 50% of the revenue. By this time, the Company had 2.6 million visitors per week in its more than 80 country specific sites, and had more than 40,000 corporate, government and educational customers. Dell entered the 21st century as the most successful company in the industry. We are the No.1 computer systems company in the US and No.3 worldwide, rising from No.25 a decade earlier (Annual report 2000 at 6. What is your evaluation of Michael Dell as CEO? How well has he performed the tasks of strategic management discussed in chapter 1?Michael Dell can be given a solid A for his performance as a CEO of Dell Corporation. Michael Dell founded the company in 1984 with $1,000 and an unprecedented idea in the computer industry: bypass the middleman who adds little value to the products, and sold custom built computer systems directly to end users. By using this innovative direct marketing approach and by pioneering the industrys first service and support program, Dell has established it as the number one vendor of computer systems worldwide and is a premier provider of products and services required for customers to build their information technology and Internet infrastructures. In fifteen years the companys sales have grown from $6 million to $25.3 billion in revenue. Since Del...

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