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What are the Ramifications of Imperfect Man Playing God

What are the Ramifications of Imperfect Man Playing God? It was a time of immense scientific discoveries and controversies in Europe during the early nineteenth century. Mary Shelly's Frankenstein is a reflection of the questions that society was bringing to the forefront concerning science and religion. In this horror tale, one can clearly see the controversies arising at the time that science may be killing religion and thus mankind. The ramifications of Dr. Frankenstein's attempt to play God are seen through the perceptions of the monster, the personality traits leading to his own destruction, and the ultimate loss of Frankenstein's sanity and morality.First of all, Frankenstein's attempt to play God and Creator is most plainly seen through the perceptions and actions of his creation. The creature is born into the world as if it is a baby, knowing nothing of life. This creature's first experience as a living existence is being shunned by its own creator. I beheld the wretch---the miserable monster whom I had created. He held up the curtain of the bed; and his eyes, if eyes they may be called, were fixed on me He might have spoken, but I did not hear; one hand was stretched out, seemingly to detain me, but I escaped and rushed downstairs (43).The monster is reaching out to the only thing he knows thus far, his creator, and is met with disgust. Frankenstein, being merely human, cannot offer this creature the unconditional love and guidance that God bestows on His creatures. This, in turn, leads to the imminent immoral actions of the creature. Symbolically, the same action of reaching out that has Frankenstein run with horror is the process in which the monster uses to kill all of his victims by strangulation. Had Frankenstein only tried to care and communicate with the monster during this harmless event, then perhaps the dreadful story would have ended here. Also, the creature himself refers to his situation in life and to ...

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