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The society in A Brave New World is very similar to the society of today. Though the society is scientifically created, it still shows much resemblance to that of our naturally formed society today. The system of classes is nearly identical to the class system of the present. The main difference is the scientific engineering of the people in each class. Obviously, in our society people are not altered scientifically in order to fit into a social class. In any culture, whether it is futuristic or from the past, there are always social classes that are generally alike. There is always a group of rich people, a group of poor people, and a group or multiple groups of middle class people. We see this in A Brave New World as well as in this day.In the novel, Alphas are superior beings in nearly every aspect. They are physically larger, more attractive humans with much intelligence and all the luxuries that anyone could want. The Betas through Epsilons are weaker as the classes become lower. In today’s society, our classes are based mainly upon money. The richer people are considered the highest-class people. Unlike the Alpha class, these people are not necessarily the strongest or the smartest but they are viewed as the most powerful. Middle class people are comparable to the Betas and Deltas. There is a large range of middle class. There are those that are close to high class and there are those that are close to being poor. The Betas and Deltas match this description. Again the main difference is financial standing versus physical superiority. Finally, the poor people of our society represent the Epsilon class. They are considered the weakest in society and are of least importance. Though they do play a role in making the society run, it is a weak one. It is clear that the two societies are nearly identical. The difference between the two is what factors establish the social standing. Presently, money is the...

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