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The book "Cults in our Midst", tells all about the problems of cults and what you should look for when trying to notice if someone is getting involved in a cult. It has many different ideas on what makes a cult and the problems that they put on our society. The interesting part of this book to our group was how it explained how cults use mind manipulation on people to get them to join a cult. It explains in a very efficient format how a cult goes about recruiting its members. The methods that cults use are not very ethical but the author does not approach the subject by choosing a side but instead lets the reader decide if what cults do is good or bad. I think that this was a good way to approach the reader because often times the author can sway his or her audience very easily by only stating the negative or positive side of a subject. I feel that the author had a very good hold on the subject and did a good job at bringing the information across a not a lot of opinions. I also got a lot of my information from a website. The website's address is It contained a lot of information on the use of mind control and cults. It had a lot of different ideas about approaches that cults took to entice members to join them. They had many useful links and information was put on the website in a manner that made it easy for you to find information on any area that you were interested in. They have a couple of paragraphs on each section that gives you a quick overview of the subject. If you would like to get more information on that subject matter they give you references and also links to other sites that would help you in your research. This was very helpful if you wanted to gain more information on a subject matter that was not covered in great extent on the website. This site is very user friendly and can be browsed through by almost anyone that knows how to use a computer. The information on it is fairly new and...

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