In the fourth book of Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift describes Gulliver’s voyage to the country of the Houyhnhnms. This land is inhabited by rational horses and emotional monkey-like creatures whose name is Yahoos. Yahoos are in subjection by the horses. Although in the beginning of the book, Gulliver gives a description of the Yahoos as unintelligent animals, he points out that they have “human feet” and other physical and moral human features. Gulliver, just like Houyhnhnms, hates Yahoos because of their emotional and treacherous nature. Gulliver almost identifies himself with the Houyhnhnms; he likes to keep company with them, listen to their rational talk. However, very soon he found that under his clothes he is almost like Yahoo. Under those conditions Gulliver’s self hatred is developed. Moreover, the horses refused to accept Gulliver to their society. So, he escapes to the nearest island and builds a ship from the Yahoo’s baby skin for flexibility. When he gets home, he can’t deal with his wife and children because they smell to him like Yahoos. In this book Swift describes the nature of man. Gulliver wants to be rational, however his nature against it. Thus, realizing of his problem leads him to self hatred. Rejecting of his wife and children symbolizes rejecting the nature of man as the whole. Gulliver’s perception of the world is different, however, his acculturation begins. Finally, Gulliver has nothing to do but accept his wife and children. He ought to live within his society. ...