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bloody mary

 Bloody Mary Mary I, Queen of England was a very prominent figure in Her reign as queen was filled with many trials andtribulations that were not accepted by most of England. Many ofMarys rash decisions were most likely do to her upbringing and herlack of will power. Whether it is being declared a bastard as a youngchild by her tyrannical father, Henry VIII, or her marriage to Phillip ofSpain, Mary was easily influenced by others and it showed as she grewolder and took over the thrown. Mary was born the daughter of Henry VIII and Katherine. Henryhad failed again to bear a son to retain the thrown after him. Hisannulment from Katherine was not granted so Henry decreed that theChurch of England be separate from the Church of Rome. Katherinestill tried not to jeopardize her daughters succession to the thrown, forthis she was banished and Mary was declared a bastard. These eventshad a devastating effect on Mary who was once adored by both parents. Mary never saw her mother again and her stepmother, Anne Boleyn,treated her with extreme cruelty, even threatening to have her executed. All these things affected Marys adolescence. She sufferedpremenstrual tension her whole life; her periods were infrequent orabsent all together. But through all this her mothers influence stayedwith her. She inherited her piety and love of religion from her motherand made it her lifes crusade to restore England with the faithKatherine had been so devoted. Marys innocence and naivety stayed with her throughout herwhole life. This was present in her statement, What is a whore, Ivenever heard the word before.(Weir 12). And even more present in hermarriage to Philip of Spain. Philip was simply following orders, in noway was he attracted to Mary; Philip wanted to gain England as part ofthe Habsburg empire. Neither Spain nor England agreed with themarriage. They communicated in Latin since both...

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