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In his many careers as a printer, moralist, essaylist, civic leader, scientist, inventor, statesman, diplomat, and philosopher, Benjamin Franklin Became both a spokesman and a model for the national character of later generations After less than two years of formalschooling, Franklin was pressed into his father's trade. Atthe age of 16, Franklin wrote some pieces in acourant,"Silence Dogwood." Though penniless andunknown, Franklin soon found a job as a printer. Aafter ayear he went to England, where he became a masterprinter, sowed some wild oats, astonished Londoners withhis swimming feats, and lived among the famous writers ofLondon. In 17227, Franklin began his career as a civicleader by organizing a club of aspiring tradesmen called theJJunto, which met each week for discussion and planning.Franklin began yet another career when in 1740 heinvented the Pennsylvania fireplace, later called the Franklinstove, which soon heated buildings all over Europe andNorth America. He also read treaties on electricity and andbegan a series of experiments with his friends inPhiladelphia. Experiments he proposed, first tried in Francein 1752, showed that lightning was in fact a form of el!ectricity. Later that year his famous kite experiment, inwhich he flew a kite with the wire attached to a key duringa thunderstorm. His later achievements included formulatinga theory of heat absorption, measuring Gulf Stream,designing ships, tracking storm paths, and inventing bifocallenses. In 1751, Franklin was elected to the PennsylvaniaAssembly, causing the beginning of nearly 40 years as apuublic official. At home from 1762 to 1764, Franklintraveled throghout the colonies, reorganizing theAAmerican postal system. He also built aa new house onMarket Street in Philadelphia, now reconstructed and opento visitors, and otherwise provided for his family. FromApril 1775 to October 1776, Franklin served on thePennsylvania Committee of Safety and in the ContinentalC...

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