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Regulation of Aviation on a Federal State and Local Level

Regulation of Aviation at the Federal, State and Local Level Aviation has an impact on everybody and everything. Not only does it have an impact on a worldwide base, but it also has as big an impact on local business. Aviation in regulated in many different ways nationwide. There are many regulations that are federal, such as airspace, and must be obeyed by everyone and there are regulations that are local, such as traffic pattern altitude, and must be obeyed as if they were federal regs. As in any other field of work there are laws and regulations people must obey by. If people were allowed to do what ever they want, then we would live in a world of chaos. There are many different levels of regulation in the aviation industry. Mostly it is subsidized in to three categories, which would be Federal, state and local. Now each category has many regulations and each one must be followed very carefully for its the base of our safety. The laws vary greatly but all serve the same purpose. What the aviation industry has to make up all these regulations is what we call the FAA or Federal Aviation Administration. They act with the DOT (Department of Transportation) to provide a smooth transition of all aircraft, airmen and air safety. On top of that there are many other administrations, departments, bureaus, commissions and boards that regulate aviation. The NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) also works to provide safety within the aviation world. Each department has its own function and provides some sort contribution to the aviation industry. The FAA though is pretty much what regulates and inspects everything that has to do with aviation. The FAA regulates everything from the first bolt that was put into an airplane to a captain in a 747. Now the level in which it enforces it is very different. Within the FAA there are thousands of departments handling all the above. People employed by the FAA range from Pilots to...

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