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The arts of Russia

Russian Art, Music and Literature The Arts play a large role in the expression of inner thoughts and beauty in life. From dance and music to art the concept of life is shown through the various ways in which we interpret it. The arts play a valued role in creating cultures and developing and documenting civilizations. Russia has been developing the its culture for as long as anybody could think. Nowadays, Russian painters and musicians are quickly becoming well known among each and every one around the world. It should be no surprise that the rich Russian culture is producing so much talent, and everyone around the world seems to enjoy it. Great artists such as Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky (music), Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov (literature), and Marc Chagall (art) have shared Russia’s culture with the rest of the world.Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky is mostly known for his great musicals. One of his greatest musicals “The Nutcracker” has been turned into an ice show in United States of America. Peggy Flaming, Nicole Bobek, Todd Eldredg, and Brian Orser along with others star in the beautiful and magical ice show. “The Nutcracker” is a story of a young girl (Clara) who receives a Nutcracker doll as a Christmas present from her Godfather (Drosselmeier), and with the help of a little magic, the doll comes to life in her dreams. Everybody, especially children, love to watch how these ice champions bring the Christmas story of “the Nutcracker” to life. The Swan Lake is also a very known production of Tchaikovsky. The well-known theme of the tragic Swan-Princess from Swan Lake seems to embody the intense, heartfelt, romanticized suffering which Tchaikovsky music gives voice to so often. Numerous people around the world listen to Tchaikovsky when they are either in a bad mood and want to relax or just to break away from the world and go to an imaginary world. In music competitions countless of musicians perform Sym...

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