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Pop Art

Pop Art The pop art movement began in London during the 1950's and then quickly spread throughout nearly all of the industrialized world. Although the artists did have some overlappingstyles, pop art focuses more on the subject and less on style, which was left up to eachindividual artist. The main themes that is evident in all pop art revolves around modern socialvalues. The style in which these values were portrayed varied depending on the culture andartist. he Guitar One the most awe inspiring sights is a brand new Gibson, Les Paul edition guitar. Its fine finish and unique headstock just scream American pride. Most people only see the flashy body and hear the trademark sound and never understand exactly how they work. The electric guitar is probably one of the most complex, but most interesting, instruments of modern times. As complex as the guitar is, playing it is not that complicated. ohn Handy Have you ever heard of John Handy? Probably not around here, but he is a well known person in San Francisco. Handy has done such things as taught jazz, played straight-ahead bebop, and led bands. John Handy was born in 1933 in Dallas, Texas. Not much is known about his childhood, until he moved to Oakland, California in 1948. After that he enrolled in San Francisco State College in 1952. Ludwig van Beethoven 711 words Ludwig van Beethoven was, and remains today, an Olympian figure in the history of classical music. His influence on the last 150 years of music is unequalled; while generaly a member of the Classicist fold, he was in fact the first Romantic, and pre-figured virtually all music that followed the Romantic era as well. Perhaps no other composer in history wrote music of such exhilarating power and expressiveness; certainly no other composer did so against grea...

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