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Peter Beard

Peter Beard has a collection of works that is fascinating to the eye. His work seems to encapsulate the essence of life, of death, and of the world in general, by combining various styles and modes of expression. The use of the animate with the inanimate, the young and the old, the living and the dead, and the simple yet often complex representations of man and nature — which are inherent in his work — these are principles that many artists struggle with but fail to convey in their work. Obviously, Beard’s travels and knowledge of the world, and his ability to communicate and express the beauty, the drama, and the power of these experiences he has had, gives some of his work not only an utterly interesting and authentic quality, but also an educational angle as well. Much of his work depicting worlds entirely foreign to westerners in enlightening. Of course, the odd twists and unique sense of imagery he creates in these pieces give them less of a mainstream, documentary-like aspect and more of a wild and a sincere and apersonal shape and form. They are truly brought to life when crafted in his hands. Even the works Beard does that are not a statement or document of some faraway land people still manage to elicit the same emotions as those of his that are. His definite style dominates all of his work, and sets him apart from other artists in his field. All in all, the work of Peter Beard is ultimately impressive and deserves to be appreciated for its uniqueness and its ability to communicate many different principles inherent in the relationships of man and of nature....

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