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Polykleitos’ Bearer and Laocoon and His Sons Polykleitos’ is a Roman statue. It is made out of marble and it is 6 feet 6 inches tall. The statue is of a male who looks to be athletic someone who works out. The statue is standing in a contrapuntal position; it has its left leg slightly bent witch causes his foot not to be flat on the platform under him. That position helps the statue stay balance. It is not rigid. The statue has no facial expression. It is serious. It eyes are deep and expressionless. The statue’s head is facing to the left. His right arm is bent half way and his hands are balled up into a fist his hips are leaning towards the left side to help give him balance. His left arm is straight down by his side. It appears that the Spear Bearer is going to get ready to start walking at any moment. Looking at the statue is like looking at a black and white photograph it has no color. Both Laocoon and His Sons and Polykleitos are Roman sculptures and both are made of the same material. The sculpture is 8 feet tall. Laocoon's and His Sons have more color. This sculpture has a golden color to it. Both of these sculptures are depicting the human body. Both sculptures are depicting the male body as muscular and athletic looking. Both of these were done in the high classical period witch lasted from 400 – 450 B.C.E. With both of these sculptures the surface appears to be smooth excluding the muscles that have curves. The contrast in the Laocoon's and his Sons is light. You do see the shadows of Laocoon's and his sons and those who are trying to kill them. With Polykleitos you see Shadow of his facial features and the shadow of his legs on the platform he has under. Polykleitos has dullness to it and Laocoon has a more lively color. Where as the posture of Polykleitos seams somewhat strange as if he was caught in mid motion Laocoon's position is more action like. He is flexing movin...

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