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Oriental Art

Oriental art is very distinct from other parts of the world. In their sculptures they still used such materials as clay, wood, and bronzes. However there art work promoted such things as goodness in nature, serenity, graceful balance, spiritual perfection, and a mystical harmony within themselves. There work avoided confusion, conflict and violent emotions at all costs. New or unprecedented experiments in their art work was never welcomed, and the expression of nobility and inner worth where demanded. Ultimately oriental art was said to be “a way of being”, but to understand this you must look at the words of the great Chinese philosopher Confucius who said “Raise yourself to the beautiful.” However not all Oriental art is the same, and to see the difference and the influences of their art you need to look at the area’s of China, Japan, and Korea.The Neolithic inhabitants of China were energetic in their pottery, and where the first to practice this art, in which China has remained supreme in until recent times. Not very much is known about the earliest Chinese craftsman or the society that produced them, other than the fact that they lived in pounded earth settlements in northern Honan, Shangtung, and Kansu. These early craftsman created fine pottery, and especially beautiful vessels for funerals which where used for food and other provisions for the dead. These craftsmen where taught to honor the “five rulers” who had taught their forefathers how to raise silk worms, catch fish, domesticate animals, plow, reap and use the wheel for transportation and for throwing pottery. The Shang people came into history half way through the second millennium B.C., these people also lived in pounded earth settlements, and made funeral vessels. These people established the li which was the basic metallic shape used in their bronzes. Not only was the li used, but also other shapes have been disco...

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