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Martha Graham

Martha Graham was one of the most influential figures in American modern dance, and her techniques and styles are still practiced today. She became widely known throughout all ages and decades. Her first debut was in the 1920's. As time went on, she became more experienced and wiser in the modern dance field. Martha Graham, whose style was considered controversial, became one of the finest choreographers and dancers in the dance world.In 1894 Martha was born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania (Pratt 8). She was the daughter of Jane Beers and George Graham. Her father was a well-known physician who treated mental disorders. After living in Pennsylvania for 12 years, she and her family moved to Santa Barbara, California in 1908 (Harmon et al. 182). This was where she started studying modern dance in her earlier years.Martha's father played a big role in her life. Dr. Graham inspired his daughter to search for the meaning behind people's actions. As she sat in her father's office, she would look at the patients in bewilderment. The patients would blurt out words and move their arms and legs in a wild manner, making her even more curious about people's actions (Pratt 13). Dr. Graham then took his daughter to a performance of Ruth St. Denis in 1911 where she was mesmerized by the dancers (Harmon et al. 182).Martha entered Cumnock School of Expression after graduating from high school. There she trained in dance, drama, and self-expressions. Martha's love to study people's actions was incredibly strong. After Graham graduated from the junior college in 1916, she then enrolled in Denishawn School of Dance (182). She was recognized at the school for her talent and determination, not her potential as a dancer. When Shawn, who was the owner of the school, went off to serve in World War I, Graham started teaching for him. After his return from the war, she continued teaching and danced small roles in Shawn's productions. This is where ...

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