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Lewiss Underground Love Adventure

Lewis's Underground Love Adventure "Down, down, down" falls Alice through the Rabbit hole, leaving far above her the real world, and so, starts her nonsensical underground adventure. Through her conversations with the strange creatures, and the queer situations that she faces, she hopelessly searches for order, rule, and reason. However, Alice fails and surrenders to the unexplainable actions of these creatures. Unlike Alice, readers who know about Lewis Carroll's life- the creator of this chaotic world- are able to explain, and understand a lot of the aspects that he included in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. In his essay, Richard Jenkyns expresses his believes that, the story reflects Lewis's fundamental life-events. Enough to say that, Lewis wrote this book to satisfy his special 'child-friend's' request. Alice Reddle asked him to write a book for her in whom she would be the heroine. For this reason, Lewis presented Alice in a unique way. He gave her a perfect and good mannered personality, and made her the agent through whom he achieved his own dreams. During Lewis's life, (1832-1898) Victorians experienced tremendous changes in different fields, and they were introduced to new revolutionary inventions. England stood on a more solid ground, and become economically very powerful (Rackin 4). The Industrial Revolution mechanized all manual jobs known at the time, easing and accelerating economic production. To add to its power, England established railways for the first time in human history. Distances between cities became shorter, and trade expanded. However, such rapid progress seemed a puzzling matter for the " pragmatic reasonableness" (Rackin 36) of the bourgeoisie society. Some of them, including Lewis himself, showed their worries about such development.Lewis, who was a worrying personality by nature, felt very uncomfortable towards the sudden rapid rhythm of life. David Huxley says in his book that " Carroll always w...

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